Learn more about how your contributions provide services for our students.

Become a Monthly Partner

During Summer break, many low-income families struggle to provide an additional 66 meals for their child.

SRIP can provide 50 of those 66 meals.

For just $15 per month you can truly impact a student’s life.

Click to Enlarge

 Become a Sponsor

At Project 614 we believe that character development is as equally important as learning to read and write.

After 2 years of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many students struggle to communicate with and relate to their peers. Project 614 programs offer opportunities for growth in Social Emotional Learning.

Sponsors like you make this work possible!

In-kind Donations

Project 614 also accepts in-kind donations!

Click the logos below to snag items from our registries



Costco & More!

From β€œGoodwill Box” to Treasure!!….

 Our work is made possible by the generosity of our community. Follow us on Instagram to see your contributions in action!