Christmas on the Farm!
Project 614 invites students to travel with us to Underwood Family Farms for their Christmas on the Farm event!
Ages 4+
Cost: $10 per child (or 1,000 Progre$$ Point$) Parents can join if they would like - $14 per adult
RSVP: Students must have a signed permission slip and payment turned in by Monday, November 28th
Transportation: Transportation is available, but limited. Please mark on your permission slip if you plan to ride on the shuttle.
Meet at Cornerstone Church @ 9:00am. The van will leave promptly at 9:15am.
**If your child is under 8 years old, they must have a car seat to ride on the shuttle. Please remember to bring a car seat when you check in
If you would like to meet us there, we plan to arrive by 10am.
Farm Address:
3370 Sunset Valley Road
Moorpark, CA 93021
¡Project 614 invita a los estudiantes a viajar con nosotros a Underwood Family Farms para su evento Christmas on the Farm!
Edades 4+
Costo: $10 por niño (o 1,000 Progre$$ Point$) Los padres pueden unirse si lo desean - $14 por adulto
RSVP: los estudiantes deben tener un formulario de permiso firmado y el pago entregado antes del lunes 28 de noviembre.
Transporte: Hay transporte disponible, pero limitado. Marque en su hoja de permiso si planea viajar en el transbordador.
Reúnase en Cornerstone Church a las 9:00 am. La camioneta partirá puntualmente a las 9:15 am.
**Si su hijo tiene menos de 8 años, debe tener un asiento para el automóvil para viajar en el servicio de transporte. Recuerde traer un asiento para el automóvil cuando se registre
Si desea reunirse con nosotros allí, planeamos llegar a las 10 am.
Dirección de la granja:
3370 Sunset Valley Road
Moorpark, CA 93021

Winter Explore!
Explore! is our enrichment program through which students can explore new hobbies and experiences like music, dance, nature, museums and much more!
Explore events are available to students enrolled in our education programs and require the use of Progre$$ Point$ (incentive points earned throughout the program).

Fall Explore!
Explore! is our enrichment program through which students can explore new hobbies and experiences like music, dance, nature, museums and much more!
Explore events are available to students enrolled in our education programs and require the use of Progre$$ Point$ (incentive points earned throughout the program).
Back to School Community Outreach
Join us in celebrating our students who have successfully completed S.R.I.P! There will be fun for the whole family as well as a graduation ceremony for our students where they will receive backpacks stuffed with all the supplies they’ll need for the upcoming semester.
Moon Bounce
Water Fight

SRIP (Summer Reading Intervention Program)
Project 614’s S.R.I.P. is a FREE* 5-week, in-person Summer day camp designed for students entering grades K - 4 who need extra support in reading, writing and phonics.
WHO: Students entering Kindergarten - 4th grade this Fall
Transportation Options Available
Breakfast and Lunch Included!

School's Out! Movie Night
Summer is finally here! Join us in-person for an outdoor movie night.
There will be plenty of popcorn to go around so invite your friends!

Cinco de Mayo Party!
This virtual celebration will be held during our normal tutoring session.

Spring Explore!
Explore! is our enrichment program through which students can explore new hobbies and experiences like music, dance, nature, museums and much more!
Explore events are available to students enrolled in our education programs and require the use of Progre$$ Point$ (incentive points earned throughout the program).

Explore: Hiking!
Explore! is our enrichment program through which students can explore new hobbies and experiences like music, dance, nature, museums and much more!
Explore events are available to students enrolled in our education programs and require the use of Progre$$ Point$ (incentive points earned throughout the program).

Online Tutoring Spring 2022
Our Online Tutoring Program is free and flexible, designed to give students and their families easy access to educational resources.
Tutoring is held via ZOOM on Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00pm - 7:00pm